The Clergy Family Information Center is an international email notification ministry, its MISSION, an online conduit of Sharing, Compassion and Caring. The ministry is a component of the Commission On Social Action of the African Methodist Episcopal Church; Bishop Reginald T. Jackson, Commission Chair, Dr.  Jacquelyn DuPont Walker, Director/Consultant and Mrs. Ora L. Easley is the International Administrator of The Clergy Family Information Center. The ministry post email notifications to members of the African Methodist Episcopal Church from Episcopal Districts 1-20.  The ministry is a seven day a week and holidays endeavor reaching across continents and oceans.

The Primary Function of the Ministry is to inform e-mail recipients of deaths occurring within the families of God’s called servants, from the church leadership of bishops, general officers, connectional officers, and judicial council; to the presiding elders, pastors, ministerial staff and their families, the families of AME Church endorsed military personnel, denominational office staff, and the presidents and deans of AME Church seminaries, universities, and colleges. 


(1) Each Episcopal District has an established Protocol for the Office of the Clergy Family Information Center to receive bereavement notifications for posting to the connectional church family. Please follow your Episcopal District Protocol in submitting bereavement notifications.

(2) When clergy family deaths occur and families are not aware of the protocol, please contact the episcopal district office or the  presiding elder office for guidance. 

(3)  Only the church leadership may email notifications of bereavement directly to the office of the CFIC. The office of the presiding bishop should be copied in those instances. 

(4) The CFIC does not search Face Book or any Social Media for News to report.

*Necrology Listings by Month/Year for Memorial Committees:

The necrology data on this webpage is beneficial to Annual Conference Memorial Committees preparing reports for Annual Conference.  Font color notation: Purple fonts connote Episcopal Family; Red font, General Officers and Blue font, Connectional Officers/Judicial Council.  (Directions below).

*Click on the Necrology Listing menu for the month of the reporting period needed and click downward for twelve (12 months to obtain report data).  Annual Conferences are held in series in the Spring and Fall; therefore, due to this flex period,  pre-printed annual conference memorial reports are not available from the Office of the CFIC. 

BEREAVEMENT NOTICE UPDATES: An attempt is made by The Clergy Family Information Center to verify bereavement notices posted prior to posting. Follow-up information, updates and addendum's are only posted at the request of the Presiding Bishop, unless bereavement notifications are about episcopal families, general officer's families, connectional (denominational) officer's families or notifications received from Episcopal Districts 14-20

PHOTO POSTING GUIDELINES   Photos of deceased family members WILL NOT be posted in email notifications. A link may be added to the mortuary web page sharing a picture of deceased loved ones, or on the CFIC  Face Book Wall.  


Congratulatory announcements are posted on Friday, that we might share the "Joyful Moments", the "Good News” of clergy family graduations-baccalaureate and above; academic achievements-high school and above; the birth of PK’s, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of ministers; birthday celebrations, 75 years and above; weddings of ministers, PK’s, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of ministers; wedding anniversaries-25th, 30th, 35th, 40th, 45th, 50th, 55th, 60th, and above, and noteworthy achievements.  (Photos can be included).


*Four (4) congratulatory announcements may be posted annually, per clergy family household. 

*Congratulatory announcement submission deadline: Articles must be received in the Office of the Clergy Family Information Center "no later" than Thursday, 6:00 PM. preceding Friday.  Email to: The Office of the CFIC Administrator.

To sign-up to receive email notifications:

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